Reaching the unreached.
Planting self-propagating churches among unreached people

Who we are

Calvary Ministries CAPRO USA is a cross-cultural Christian missionary movement made up of a multi-national team taking the gospel to the remaining Unevangelized parts of the world. Our mandate is to bring the transformational message of Jesus Christ to the Unreached and unchurched peoples of our generation.

Our partnering teams are spread to over 44 partnering countries among over 80 ethnic groups, resulting in numerous successful churches.

In recent years, CAPRO International has especially emphasized outreaches to the Maghreb (North Africa) and the Middle East. In Europe and the United States of America. We work in partnership with churches and agencies in the area of Discipleship Training, Outreaches, Mission Mobilization, and Resource Development for global evangelization. Our partnerships are international. Today, CAPRO missionaries number about 800.

What We do

We partner with the body of Christ globally for the following purposes:

  • To preach the gospel of Christ to every man leading to the salvation of many

  • To educate the local churches on their responsibility to global missions

  • To give each Church/Organization/Individual opportunity to get hands-on experience through evangelistic involvement in outreaches to many nations.

  • To create an opportunity for each partner to have input into missions through voluntary monetary donations, intercessory prayers etc.

  • To take care of missionary kids education through the Missionary Kids Tertiary Education Trust Fund (MKTF)

  • Using a holistic ministry to alleviate the suffering of Unreached, Unevangelized peoples of our world,

In all, we maximize the God-given potential of resources (human and material) in His Church for the cause of His Great Commission.

Mission statement

To identify and to preach the whole gospel of Jesus Christ to unreached peoples of Africa and the rest of the world, and teach them to the extent that an indigenous body of Believers who are self-propagating will be able to stand and disciple others.

Financial Policy

Calvary Ministries (CAPRO USA) is a faith mission. The organization and its missionaries depend on God for provision through the freewill offerings of the body of Christ. None of our missionaries is on salary. They are all volunteers. Each trusts God to meet their needs. When gifts are received, they are duly acknowledged and spent as designated. Calvary Ministries (CAPRO USA) is a registered 501c religious organization in the USA (under Section 501(c)3 of the internal revenue code).