Global Bible Distribution

Pray more specifically for the salvation of many individuals and families through reading Gideon-placed Bibles and New Testaments.

Pray that more locations, communities, and countries allow the distribution of God’s Word.

Pray for safety as Gideon Members travel globally.

Pray that Gideon International will be on track to meet its goal of distributing over one hundred million Scriptures annually.

Pray also for other Bible distribution groups like Mega Voice and Faith Comes By Hearing, sharing out oral bibles to Oral communities worldwide. (Over 50% of the Unreached cant read or write).

Pray for new New Bible Transalations and Translators.

Do you know that there are 3.3 billion people unreached today? (about 41% of the world’s population!). The vast majority (85%) of these least reached groups exist within the 10/40 window. Less than 10% of missionary work is being done among these people. That is why we should intensify prayers for the Remaining Unreached People Groups.

This Intercessory prayer blog has been designed to encourage the development of intensive prayer for global missions.

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