May 29, 2024none

Counting the Cost

Beloved Partner,
Missionaries leave home, family, friends, culture –nearly everything they know and love– to follow God to the ends of the earth to share the gospel of the love of Christ.

Senders (individuals, groups, churches) also spend money and time praying for the success of missions. Despite all other pressing calls in the society, this is to support missionaries.

Some people choose not to be part of Going or Sending. They think both groups are fanatics, crazy to be giving up so much for their religion.

Unreached and unevangelized people who are at the receiving end wonder why God cares so much for them. The truth is that they can only see God through the missionaries’ lives and the Mission Senders’ efforts. The cost to the Unevangelized is that they are brought out of darkness to the Light of God, for which they are happy.

There is a cost for becoming a Missionary, a cost for Sending missionaries, and a cost for the Unevangelized people to receive Christ. All have something in common- the cost of obedience.

Jesus tells us there is a cost to be counted (Luke 14:28). Who do we obey? Christ or the screaming world around us? What do we have to lose? Nothing. We all have lost everything through our selfish living, but Christ brought us back to Himself and we now owe him everything. “Lord help me to obey you in all things”.

As we invite you to this update, we thank you for consistently partnering with us to reach the Unreached Peoples of our world.

With gratitude,

Tom Ogunleye and Niyi Gbade

Mission Trips

INDIA: The Indians are taking the gospel to NEPAL. Indigenous peoples are responding in spite of the cost. A student from the USA was in India earlier in the year for an outreach. A life-changing experience is guaranteed for all mission trip participants.

AFRICAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Two African Christian Fellowship teams went on Mission trips to Malawi and Mozambique in July and August 2023 respectively. This included a medical Missions. They came back with testimonies of conversions and healings. Other teams visited South Sudan and South Africa. ACF is stirred up for missions. Pray for successful trips in 2024.

MINISTRY TO ARABS IN THE USA: Arabic speakers are attending Bible Studies and are attracting fellow Arabic speakers to participate. Islam in the USA is reaching an alarming state, as the population increases daily. It is estimated there are twelve million Muslims in the USA.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE): A mission trip team is expected to visit the UAE in October 2024. More people can still join.

Lots of refugees are around us. These are the same people we go across the world to evangelize. They are now at our doorsteps. Sign up for future Mission Trips to particular people groups.

Training Opportunities

  1. CAPROUSA Cross-Cultural Training Institute (CCTI): In 2023, CCTI trained five participants for about 10 months. Two of the Candidates have officially joined Calvary Ministries as full-time missionaries. If you have a missionary vision, contact CCTI for a consultation on training. Enrollment for the next session is in progress. Meanwhile, pray for a permanent base for CCTI.
  2. Join Online: Discipleship and Missions Exposure Program (DIMEP).
  3. Virtual and Face-to-face Programs exist. Contact DIMEP –

The Student World

Students play a crucial role in missions. On Mission Trips, they bring energy, perspective, and a willingness to learn and serve. These experiences can leave a lasting impact on both the students and the communities they serve. Students’ impact is multifaceted and significant.

Our team reaches out to institutions of higher learning to prepare students for future ministry and involvement in global missions.

Join or Attend a Mission Program

  1. Join a Global Intercessory Prayer Team: Ask to join a virtual Global Prayer Room. Intercessory Prayer/MST: Intercessory Prayer Rooms and Mission Sending teams are groups to join to fan your vision for missions. (
  2. CONNECT ’24 Chicago Saturday August 31st, 2024
  3. United Arab Emirate (UAE) Mission Trip October 2-10, 2024
  4. Philadelphia Partners’ Forum October 2024 (yet to be fixed).
  5. Support a Missionary with $50 a month in Africa. (
  6. Ask to support two new missionaries working with CAPROUSA.
  7. Ask for Mission Needs In 35 Countries. (
  8. CAPROUSA needs a training base. Watch and Pray
  9. Recruitment for the next Cross-Cultural Missionary Training Institute Chicago (CCTI) is in progress (
  10. Mission Sending Forum in December 2024 – Missouri

Tayo Gbade is flanked by the two new workers – Kathleen and Maria. Do keep them in your prayers.

New Staffers for CAPRO USA

Urgent Needs in 35 Countries

Ask to receive the list of mission needs In 35 Countries. (This is a list that describes the needs of missions and missionaries. You can be part of a big project or just take a whole project for support and partnership.)

Support a missionary with $50 a month in Africa.
Ask to support two missionaries working with CAPROUSA

Write for details.

Through your generosity in Giving and Prayers, you have demonstrated the faithfulness of God to the Nations. Your partnership with the missionaries’ commitment has helped us advance the gospel to many countries of the world. May God bless you richly and increase your love for Him. May all Nations bless the name of the Lord. Please take a look at our global status below.

Calvary Ministries – CAPRO

Global Update
As at the last Congress of CAPRO in April 2024:

  • We have sent out Missionaries to 45 Countries
  • Spread over 5 Continents
  • Among 108 Unreached Peoples
  • Planting 344 indigenous Churches
  • With over 800 Missionaries
  • With Thousands of partners in many countries

Global Goal

  • Pray that the Lord will help develop effective mission strategies in different fields and countries.
  • Pray for the recruitment of 50,000 new partners.
  • Pray for new indigenous churches to be planted.

Beloved Partner,
Missionaries leave home, family, friends, culture –nearly everything they know and love– to follow God to the ends of the earth to share the gospel of the love of Christ.

Senders (individuals, groups, churches) also spend money and time praying for the success of missions. Despite all other pressing calls in the society, this is to support missionaries.

Some people choose not to be part of Going or Sending. They think both groups are fanatics, crazy to be giving up so much for their religion.

Unreached and unevangelized people who are at the receiving end wonder why God cares so much for them. The truth is that they can only see God through the missionaries’ lives and the Mission Senders’ efforts. The cost to the Unevangelized is that they are brought out of darkness to the Light of God, for which they are happy.

There is a cost for becoming a Missionary, a cost for Sending missionaries, and a cost for the Unevangelized people to receive Christ. All have something in common- the cost of obedience.

Jesus tells us there is a cost to be counted (Luke 14:28). Who do we obey? Christ or the screaming world around us? What do we have to lose? Nothing. We all have lost everything through our selfish living, but Christ brought us back to Himself and we now owe him everything. “Lord help me to obey you in all things”.

As we invite you to this update, we thank you for consistently partnering with us to reach the Unreached Peoples of our world.

With gratitude,

Tom Ogunleye and Niyi Gbade

Mission Trips

INDIA: The Indians are taking the gospel to NEPAL. Indigenous peoples are responding in spite of the cost. A student from the USA was in India earlier in the year for an outreach. A life-changing experience is guaranteed for all mission trip participants.

AFRICAN CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP: Two African Christian Fellowship teams went on Mission trips to Malawi and Mozambique in July and August 2023 respectively. This included a medical Missions. They came back with testimonies of conversions and healings. Other teams visited South Sudan and South Africa. ACF is stirred up for missions. Pray for successful trips in 2024.

MINISTRY TO ARABS IN THE USA: Arabic speakers are attending Bible Studies and are attracting fellow Arabic speakers to participate. Islam in the USA is reaching an alarming state, as the population increases daily. It is estimated there are twelve million Muslims in the USA.

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES (UAE): A mission trip team is expected to visit the UAE in October 2024. More people can still join.

Lots of refugees are around us. These are the same people we go across the world to evangelize. They are now at our doorsteps. Sign up for future Mission Trips to particular people groups.

Training Opportunities

  1. CAPROUSA Cross-Cultural Training Institute (CCTI): In 2023, CCTI trained five participants for about 10 months. Two of the Candidates have officially joined Calvary Ministries as full-time missionaries. If you have a missionary vision, contact CCTI for a consultation on training. Enrollment for the next session is in progress. Meanwhile, pray for a permanent base for CCTI.
  2. Join Online: Discipleship and Missions Exposure Program (DIMEP).
  3. Virtual and Face-to-face Programs exist. Contact DIMEP –

The Student World

Students play a crucial role in missions. On Mission Trips, they bring energy, perspective, and a willingness to learn and serve. These experiences can leave a lasting impact on both the students and the communities they serve. Students’ impact is multifaceted and significant.

Our team reaches out to institutions of higher learning to prepare students for future ministry and involvement in global missions.

Join or Attend a Mission Program

  1. Join a Global Intercessory Prayer Team: Ask to join a virtual Global Prayer Room. Intercessory Prayer/MST: Intercessory Prayer Rooms and Mission Sending teams are groups to join to fan your vision for missions. (
  2. CONNECT ’24 Chicago Saturday August 31st, 2024
  3. United Arab Emirate (UAE) Mission Trip October 2-10, 2024
  4. Philadelphia Partners’ Forum October 2024 (yet to be fixed).
  5. Support a Missionary with $50 a month in Africa. (
  6. Ask to support two new missionaries working with CAPROUSA.
  7. Ask for Mission Needs In 35 Countries. (
  8. CAPROUSA needs a training base. Watch and Pray
  9. Recruitment for the next Cross-Cultural Missionary Training Institute Chicago (CCTI) is in progress (
  10. Mission Sending Forum in December 2024 – Missouri

Tayo Gbade is flanked by the two new workers – Kathleen and Maria. Do keep them in your prayers.

New Staffers for CAPRO USA

Urgent Needs in 35 Countries

Ask to receive the list of mission needs In 35 Countries. (This is a list that describes the needs of missions and missionaries. You can be part of a big project or just take a whole project for support and partnership.)

Support a missionary with $50 a month in Africa.
Ask to support two missionaries working with CAPROUSA

Write for details.

Through your generosity in Giving and Prayers, you have demonstrated the faithfulness of God to the Nations. Your partnership with the missionaries’ commitment has helped us advance the gospel to many countries of the world. May God bless you richly and increase your love for Him. May all Nations bless the name of the Lord. Please take a look at our global status below.

Calvary Ministries – CAPRO

Global Update
As at the last Congress of CAPRO in April 2024:

  • We have sent out Missionaries to 45 Countries
  • Spread over 5 Continents
  • Among 108 Unreached Peoples
  • Planting 344 indigenous Churches
  • With over 800 Missionaries
  • With Thousands of partners in many countries

Global Goal

  • Pray that the Lord will help develop effective mission strategies in different fields and countries.
  • Pray for the recruitment of 50,000 new partners.
  • Pray for new indigenous churches to be planted.